About Us
I am a Christian and I believe that the word of God is a lamp unto my feet and alight unto my path. A few years ago I noticed how most t-shirts that were being worn were black and white with many sayings that were negative, funny, silly, etc.
Every morning I speak many scripture affirmations. One morning I decided to look into getting a t-shirt printed with the words All is Well. I received it and it felt nice to have an encouraging word on my chest. A year later I got Covid. I really stepped up quoting my scriptures. My healing scriptures and protection scriptures from Psalms 91. It was very helpful. My symptoms were less than a minor cold. I was nervous at first but meditating and speaking God’s word helped me through it. I decided to print a black Tshirt with white letters saying Trust God. I found out that I can start a business with this print on demand company and that is what I did. I printed a few Tshirts with other scriptures and started my company, Most of the people responded to the Trust God t-shirts and sweatshirts. I had shirts made for my daughters, son in law and grand kids. I asked my daughters to make a video showing how well the sweatshirts look on them. They said that many people commented on the sweatshirts and asked where they got them from. I decided to do a Trust God line. I realized that especially during this time of the pandemic people needed to see uplifting words on people’s chests throughout the day. Other scripture shirts are available but Trust God seems to be the heartbeat of the people today. I know that as you give it shall be given unto you. I decided to use my profits to contribute to a Christian television show that is being financed by contributions and it has been raising millions of dollars. It is like no other show. Check it out. They are working on the third season. You can get the app free in your play store. The app is called The Chosen. I am so happy to be a part of inspiring the human race. I hope you purchase one of my products and will be encouraged by the word of God. It is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, dividing usunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12 . Be encouraged! God Bless!